





  China » Xinjiang

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Bezeklik Thousand Buddha Caves
China » Xinjiang
Place » Historical Place

Gaochang District, Tu Lu Fan Shi, Xinjiang, China, 838015

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The Bezeklik Thousand Buddha Caves, also known as the Bizaklik Thousand Buddha Caves, is a historically and culturally significant site located in the Gaochang District of Turpan (Tu Lu Fan Shi), Xinjiang, China. These caves are renowned for their Buddhist art and murals, which date back over a thousand years.

Kashgar Old City
China » Xinjiang
Place » Historical Place

China, Xinjiang, Kashgar, Kaxgar, Yawage Rd

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Kashgar, also spelled as Kashi or Kasgar, is a historically and culturally significant city located in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China. It is one of the westernmost cities in China and has a rich history and unique cultural heritage. It is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world and has a population of 711,300 people (as of 2019).

China » Xinjiang
Place » City


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Xinjiang, officially known as the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, is a vast and diverse region located in the far western part of China. It is the largest province-level administrative division in China and occupies a significant portion of Central Asia. Xinjiang is known for its rich cultural diversity, stunning natural landscapes, and historical significance. Its population was 25,890,000 in 2021.