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White Tank Mountain Regional Park White Tank Mountain Regional Park
20304 W White Tank Mountain Rd, Waddell, AZ 85355
☎ (623) 935-2505

Last Updated: 06/17/2023

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White Tank Mountain Regional Park is a beautiful desert oasis located in Waddell, Arizona, just outside of Phoenix. Spanning over 30,000 acres, the park is named after the white granite rock formations that dominate the landscape.
The park offers a variety of outdoor activities and recreational opportunities for visitors of all ages. Hiking is a popular activity, with over 25 miles of well-maintained trails that wind through the desert, leading to scenic viewpoints and interesting geological features. Some of the notable trails in the park include Waterfall Trail, Ford Canyon Trail, and Mesquite Canyon Trail.

Rock climbing and bouldering are also popular activities in the park, with numerous routes and formations suitable for climbers of different skill levels. The park's rugged and diverse terrain provides a unique experience for outdoor enthusiasts.

For those interested in wildlife and nature observation, White Tank Mountain Regional Park is home to a variety of desert plants and animals. You may encounter desert cottontail rabbits, quail, lizards, and even desert tortoises. Birdwatchers will enjoy the opportunity to spot species such as Gila woodpeckers, cactus wrens, and various raptors.

Picnic areas and campgrounds are available within the park, providing a great opportunity for visitors to relax, have a meal, or spend the night surrounded by the natural beauty of the desert. The park also offers interpretive programs and guided hikes, providing educational experiences for visitors to learn more about the park's natural and cultural history.

Overall, White Tank Mountain Regional Park is a fantastic destination for outdoor recreation and exploration. Its stunning desert landscapes, diverse wildlife, and array of activities make it a must-visit location for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts in the Waddell and Phoenix area.
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Maricopa County
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Maricopa County is located in the central part of the state of Arizona, in the southwestern United States. It is the most populous county in Arizona and is home to the state capital, Phoenix. The county covers a vast area of approximately 9,200 square miles (23,800 square kilometers). As of the 2020 census the population was 4,420,568, or about 62% of the state's total.

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  White Tank Mountain Regional Park