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Tekong Island Tekong Island

Last Updated: 02/15/2024

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Tekong Island, also known as Pulau Tekong, is the largest of Singapore's outlying islands and is situated to the northeast of the main island of Singapore. It holds strategic importance for Singapore as it serves as a military training area, particularly for the Singapore Armed Forces.
- Military Training Area: Tekong Island is primarily known as a training ground for the SAF. It is where young Singaporean men undergo their National Service training, which is mandatory for all male citizens and permanent residents upon reaching the age of 18. Basic Military Training and specialized training programs are conducted here.

- Geography and Environment: The island is relatively undeveloped and has a more rural landscape compared to the main island of Singapore. It features forests, open training grounds, and coastal areas.

- Access: Access to Tekong Island is restricted due to its military use. Only individuals with authorized entry, such as military personnel and trainees, are allowed on the island.

- Wildlife and Environment: The island is also home to various plant and animal species, some of which are unique to the area due to its relatively untouched state. Conservation efforts are undertaken to protect the local environment and wildlife.

- Future Developments: While primarily used for military purposes, there have been discussions and plans in the past to potentially develop certain areas of Tekong Island for other purposes, such as housing or recreation. However, these plans often need to balance with the island's strategic importance and environmental concerns.

- Proximity to Mainland: Tekong Island is located relatively close to the main island of Singapore, with ferry services connecting it to the mainland for transportation of personnel and supplies.

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  Tekong Island