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Tamalpais Homestead Valley Tamalpais Homestead Valley

Last Updated: 04/29/2023

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Tamalpais-Homestead Valley is an unincorporated community located in Marin County, California, United States. It is situated in the foothills of Mount Tamalpais and covers an area of approximately 4.7 square miles. The community is comprised of several neighborhoods, including Homestead Valley, Almonte, Tamalpais Valley, and Tamalpais Park.
Tamalpais-Homestead Valley has a population of approximately 10,000 people and is known for its natural beauty, stunning views, and proximity to outdoor recreational opportunities. Some popular attractions in and around Tamalpais-Homestead Valley include the Mount Tamalpais State Park, the Muir Woods National Monument, and the Stinson Beach. The area is also home to numerous hiking and biking trails, parks, and open space preserves.

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  Tamalpais Homestead Valley