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Ta Keo Ta Keo
Siem Reap, Cambodia

Last Updated: 07/03/2023

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Ta Keo is a temple located in the Angkor Archaeological Park near Siem Reap, Cambodia. It is situated in the Angkor Archaeological Park, approximately 17 kilometers (10.5 miles) east of Siem Reap in northwestern Cambodia. It is part of the larger complex of temples that make up the Angkor Wat UNESCO World Heritage Site and possibly the first to be built entirely of sandstone by Khmers.
Here are some key points about Ta Keo:

Architecture: Ta Keo is a temple mountain, representing the symbolic Mount Meru, the abode of the Hindu gods. It was built in the late 10th century during the reign of King Jayavarman V, and it exhibits classic Khmer temple architecture with five tiers.

Construction: Ta Keo was initially intended to be one of the grandest and tallest temples of the Angkor complex, but it was left unfinished. The temple lacks elaborate decoration and intricate carvings, as it was never completed.

Design: The temple is constructed primarily of sandstone, featuring a stepped pyramid-like structure with five levels, known as tiers. Each tier is slightly smaller than the one below it, creating a stepped effect. The uppermost tier was meant to house a sanctuary, but it remains empty.

Religious Significance: Ta Keo was dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva, and it was intended to serve as a state temple during the reign of King Jayavarman V. However, due to its incomplete state, it is believed that the temple was never consecrated or used for religious ceremonies.

Climbing the Temple: Visitors can climb the steep staircases to reach the upper tiers of Ta Keo. The climb offers panoramic views of the surrounding area and other temples in the Angkor complex.

Restoration Efforts: Ta Keo, like many other temples in the Angkor complex, has undergone restoration and conservation efforts to preserve its structure and prevent further deterioration. These efforts aim to maintain the temple's historical and cultural significance.
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  Ta Keo