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Syria Syria

Last Updated: 06/23/2023

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Syria is a country located in the Middle East, bordered by Turkey to the north, Iraq to the east, Jordan to the south, Israel to the southwest, and Lebanon and the Mediterranean Sea to the west. It had a population of 22,125,249 in 2022.
Here is some information about Syria:

- Geography: Syria has a diverse geography that includes coastal plains along the Mediterranean Sea, mountain ranges like the Anti-Lebanon and the Al-Jabal al-Arab, and deserts such as the Syrian Desert and the Palmyra Desert. The country's capital and largest city is Damascus.

- History and Culture: Syria has a rich history dating back thousands of years. It was home to ancient civilizations like the Phoenicians, Assyrians, Greeks, Romans, and Byzantines. The country has many historical and archaeological sites, including the ancient city of Palmyra, the Crusader castle Krak des Chevaliers, and the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus. Syrian culture is influenced by Arab, Kurdish, and other ethnic groups, with Arabic being the official language.

- Civil War: Since 2011, Syria has been experiencing a devastating civil war that has resulted in significant humanitarian and economic crises. The conflict has led to the displacement of millions of Syrians and caused immense damage to infrastructure and cultural heritage sites. It is important to note that the situation in Syria is complex and evolving, and it is advisable to consult current and reliable sources for the latest information.

- Cuisine: Syrian cuisine is known for its rich flavors and diverse dishes. Popular dishes include shawarma (grilled meat served in flatbread), falafel (deep-fried chickpea balls), hummus, tabbouleh (a salad made with parsley, bulgur wheat, and tomatoes), and baklava (a sweet pastry made of layers of filo filled with nuts and honey).

- Hospitality and Traditions: Syrians are known for their hospitality and warm welcome to visitors. Traditional customs and practices vary among different ethnic and religious groups within the country.

- UNESCO World Heritage Sites: Syria is home to several UNESCO World Heritage Sites, including the ancient cities of Damascus, Aleppo, and Bosra, as well as the Crac des Chevaliers castle. These sites showcase the country's rich historical and architectural heritage.

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Citadel of Aleppo
Place » Historical Place

The Aleppo Citadel, also known as the Citadel of Aleppo, is an ancient fortress located on a large hill in the center of the city of Aleppo, in northern Syria. It occupies a strategic position that overlooks the surrounding area and is one of the most significant historical and architectural landmarks in the country.

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Hawl Al Qalaa St, Aleppo, Syria
Krak des Chevaliers
Place » Historical Place

Krak des Chevaliers, also known as Qal'at al-Hosn, is a medieval Crusader castle located in the western part of Syria, near the town of al-Husn, close to the border with Lebanon. It occupies a strategic position on a hilltop overlooking the surrounding landscape. It is considered one of the best-preserved and most impressive examples of Crusader architecture in the world.

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al-Husn, Syria

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