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Starke Starke
☎ 904-964-5027

Last Updated: 01/09/2024

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Starke is the county seat of Bradford County in the state of Florida. Starke is located in the northeastern part of Florida and is part of the Jacksonville metropolitan area. The population was 5,796 at the 2020 census.
History: The city has a historical background, and its development is linked to the expansion of railroads in the late 19th century. It has played a significant role in the agricultural and industrial history of the region.

Economy: Historically, Starke's economy has been tied to agriculture, particularly the cultivation of timber and various crops. Over time, efforts have been made to diversify the local economy.

Prison Facilities: One notable feature of Starke is the presence of prison facilities, including Florida State Prison and Union Correctional Institution, which have contributed to the local economy.

Recreation: The city and its surrounding areas offer recreational opportunities, including parks and lakes. Residents and visitors can engage in outdoor activities such as fishing, boating, and hiking.

Community Events: Like many small towns in Florida, Starke may have community events, festivals, and local gatherings that contribute to the town's cultural identity.

Education: Starke is likely to have educational facilities, including public schools. It's essential to check with local sources for information about educational institutions in the area.

Local Government: The city's administration is responsible for local governance, and residents can engage with local government services for various needs.
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