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South Tarawa, Kiribati South Tarawa, Kiribati

Last Updated: 06/23/2023

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South Tarawa is the capital and most populous area of Kiribati. It is located in the Gilbert Islands group, specifically on the southern part of Tarawa Atoll, which is a long and narrow coral formation consisting of several islets and is connected by causeways. It had a population of 63,439 as of 2020.
Here are some key points about South Tarawa:

Administrative Center: South Tarawa serves as the administrative center of Kiribati. It is home to government offices, including the President's office, ministries, and other administrative institutions.

Betio: Betio is a major settlement within South Tarawa and is known as the industrial and commercial hub of Kiribati. It is located on the southwestern tip of Tarawa Atoll and is an important port area for shipping and trade.

Local Communities: South Tarawa is densely populated and consists of numerous local communities, each with its distinct character and culture. Traditional ways of life, including fishing, farming, and crafts, are still practiced by many residents.

Causeways: South Tarawa is connected by causeways that link different islets together, allowing for easier transportation and access between the communities. These causeways include the Bonriki Causeway, which connects the main international airport to the capital area, and the causeway connecting South Tarawa to Betio.

Markets and Shopping: South Tarawa is home to bustling markets and shops where locals and visitors can purchase fresh produce, seafood, handicrafts, clothing, and other goods. The markets are vibrant and offer a glimpse into the local culture and way of life.

Cultural Sites: South Tarawa offers opportunities to explore and experience Kiribati's cultural heritage. Visitors can visit traditional maneabas (meeting houses) where community gatherings and cultural events take place. Additionally, there are several historical sites and memorials related to World War II, as Tarawa Atoll witnessed significant battles during the Pacific campaign.
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South Tarawa, Kiribati

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