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Soomaa National Park Soomaa National Park
Metsa 2, Kõpu, 71201, Estonia
☎ +372 506 1896

Last Updated: 11/30/2023

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Soomaa National Park is located in southwestern Estonia, covering an area of about 390 square kilometers. The park was established in 1993 and is known for its diverse landscapes, including vast marshlands, meandering rivers, and primeval forests. Soomaa, which translates to Land of Bogs in Estonian, is aptly named due to its extensive bog areas.
- Five Seasons: Soomaa is often referred to as the "Land of Five Seasons" because of its unique flooding pattern. In spring, the melting snow and heavy rainfall can lead to significant flooding, turning the park into a vast water territory. This phenomenon is known as the "fifth season" and attracts visitors looking to experience the unique landscape.

- Bogs and Marshes: The park is characterized by large bog areas, which are important for preserving unique plant and animal species. Raised bogs, transitional bogs, and floodplain meadows contribute to the park's rich biodiversity.

- Flora and Fauna: Soomaa is home to a variety of plant and animal species. Visitors can encounter a diverse range of birds, mammals, insects, and aquatic life. Rare and protected species find refuge in the park, making it a haven for nature enthusiasts and researchers.

- Hiking and Nature Trails: Soomaa National Park offers a network of hiking trails and boardwalks that allow visitors to explore its different ecosystems. Guided tours are available for those who want to learn more about the park's natural history and cultural heritage.

- Cultural Heritage: In addition to its natural wonders, Soomaa has cultural significance, with a history tied to traditional Estonian livelihoods such as fishing, farming, and forestry. The park provides insights into the ways in which local communities have interacted with and adapted to the surrounding environment.

Kõpu, on the other hand, is a village in the Häädemeeste Parish, Pärnu County, Estonia.
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  Soomaa National Park