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San Juan Bautista State Historic Park San Juan Bautista State Historic Park
19 Franklin St, San Juan Bautista, CA 95045
☎ (831) 623-4526

Last Updated: 09/07/2023

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San Juan Bautista State Historic Park, located in the town of San Juan Bautista, California, is a historical and cultural site that preserves and showcases the rich heritage of the region. The park is centered around the historic town of San Juan Bautista and its role in the early history of California. The town and the park contain numerous historic buildings and sites.
- Mission San Juan Bautista: The park includes the well-preserved Mission San Juan Bautista, which is one of the 21 Spanish missions established in California during the Spanish colonization period. The mission church, courtyard, and gardens are key attractions.

- Mission Plaza: The park's central plaza, known as the Mission Plaza, is a picturesque area featuring gardens, pathways, and historic buildings. It's a great place for a leisurely stroll and to appreciate the architecture and history of the town.

- Plaza Hotel: The Plaza Hotel, also known as the Plaza Hall, is a historic adobe building located in the Mission Plaza. It has been restored and is used for various events, including weddings and exhibitions.

- Old Plaza Theater: The Old Plaza Theater is a historic theater that hosts cultural events, performances, and screenings, providing entertainment and cultural enrichment to visitors.

- Historic Buildings: Throughout the park and town, visitors can explore a variety of historic buildings, including adobe homes, shops, and businesses that reflect the architecture and lifestyle of the 19th century.

- Local Events: San Juan Bautista State Historic Park hosts various local events and festivals throughout the year, celebrating the cultural heritage and history of the region.

- State Park Visitor Center: The visitor center within the park provides information, exhibits, and educational materials about the history, culture, and natural features of the region. It's a great place to start your visit.

- Scenic Views: The park offers scenic views of the surrounding countryside and the Gabilan Mountains, making it a pleasant destination for nature enthusiasts and photographers.

- Accessibility: San Juan Bautista State Historic Park is easily accessible by car and is a popular destination for history enthusiasts, school groups, and tourists interested in exploring California's history.

Visiting San Juan Bautista State Historic Park provides an opportunity to immerse yourself in the history and culture of early California. The well-preserved mission, historic buildings, and beautiful surroundings make it a compelling destination for those seeking to learn about the state's colonial past and the heritage of the region.

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  San Benito County » San Juan Bautista

  Place » Historical Place


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San Juan Bautista
Place » City

San Juan Bautista is a city in San Benito County, in the U.S. state of California. The population was 2,089 as of the 2020 census. San Juan Bautista is a unique village, alive with early California history and home to one of the most authentic, picturesque and pristine missions along the California mission trail.

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  San Juan Bautista State Historic Park