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San Benito County San Benito County
☎ +1 831-636-4000

Last Updated: 03/01/2024

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San Benito County is a county located in California. It is situated in central California, and it is part of the San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara Metropolitan Statistical Area. The county is known for its diverse geography, including agricultural valleys, rolling hills, and rugged mountains. the population was 64,209 in 2020. The county seat of San Benito County is Hollister.
Economy: Agriculture plays a significant role in the county's economy, with the production of various crops such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, and wine grapes. Livestock farming is also common.

Pinnacles National Park: A notable natural attraction in San Benito County is Pinnacles National Park, known for its unique rock formations, caves, and diverse flora and fauna. The park offers opportunities for hiking, rock climbing, and bird watching.

History: San Benito County has a rich history, including its role in the early days of California as part of the Spanish and Mexican land grants. The town of Hollister has historical significance, and the county has preserved some of its historic buildings.

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