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Royal Palace Royal Palace
Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Last Updated: 08/26/2023

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The Royal Palace in Phnom Penh is a beautiful and historic complex that serves as the official residence of the King of Cambodia. The Royal Palace in Phnom Penh is a must-visit destination for those interested in Cambodian history and culture. Its stunning architecture and rich history make it a fascinating and unforgettable experience.
1. History: The Royal Palace was constructed in the mid-19th century, during the reign of King Norodom. It has since been the primary residence of the Cambodian royal family, with some portions of the complex open to the public.

2. Architecture: The Royal Palace features a blend of Khmer and European architectural styles, with distinctive yellow roofs and intricate decorations. The complex includes several buildings, including the Throne Hall, the Silver Pagoda, and the Khemarin Palace.

3. Throne Hall: The Throne Hall is the centerpiece of the Royal Palace and serves as the site of many official ceremonies and events. Its grand design features towering spires, elaborate carvings, and ornate furnishings.

4. Silver Pagoda: The Silver Pagoda is a stunning temple located within the Royal Palace complex. It is named for its floor, which is made of more than 5,000 silver tiles. The temple is home to many precious artifacts, including a golden Buddha statue and a life-sized Buddha made of emerald.

5. Visiting the Royal Palace: The Royal Palace is open to visitors, but visitors should dress modestly and remove their shoes before entering any of the buildings. Guided tours are available, and visitors can explore the grounds and take in the stunning architecture and historical artifacts.
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Royal Palace

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  Royal Palace