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Rike Park Rike Park
Tbilisi, Georgia

Last Updated: 01/01/2024

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Rike Park is a popular public park located in the heart of Tbilisi, Georgia. The park is situated on the left bank of the Kura River and is known for its modern design, recreational spaces, and various attractions. Rike Park is connected to the district of Avlabari by the Peace Bridge, a modern pedestrian bridge with a distinctive design.
Concert Hall and Exhibition Hall: Rike Park is home to several cultural and architectural landmarks, including the Tbilisi Concert Hall and the Exhibition Hall. These venues host various events, performances, and exhibitions throughout the year.

Statues and Sculptures: The park features several statues and sculptures, adding to its artistic ambiance. The modern art installations contribute to the contemporary feel of the park.

Fountains: Rike Park has decorative fountains that enhance the aesthetics of the space. These fountains are often illuminated with colorful lights, creating an attractive atmosphere, especially in the evenings.

Children's Playground: The park includes a playground area for children, making it a family-friendly destination.

Green Spaces: Visitors can enjoy the well-maintained greenery and landscaping in Rike Park. It provides a pleasant environment for leisurely walks and relaxation.

Cafés and Restaurants: There are cafes and restaurants in and around Rike Park, offering a variety of food and beverage options for visitors.
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Rike Park

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  Georgia Country » Tbilisi

  Place » Outdoors


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Tbilisi, Georgia
Place » City

Tbilisi is the capital and the largest city of Georgia, lying on the banks of the Kura River with a population of approximately 1.5 million people. Tbilisi was founded in the 5th century AD by Vakhtang I of Iberia, and since then has served as the capital of various Georgian kingdoms and republics.

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  Rike Park