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Plains Conservation Center Plains Conservation Center
21901 E Hampden Ave, Aurora, CO 80013

Last Updated: 09/25/2023

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The Plains Conservation Center is an environmental education center and nature preserve located on a large tract of land in Aurora, Colorado. It encompasses more than 1,100 acres of native shortgrass prairie and wetlands. It is dedicated to preserving and educating the public about the natural and cultural heritage of the Great Plains region.
- Mission: The center's mission is to connect people with the prairie through educational programs, conservation efforts, and outdoor experiences. It aims to promote an understanding and appreciation of the natural environment of the Great Plains.

- Educational Programs: The Plains Conservation Center offers a wide range of educational programs for people of all ages, including school field trips, summer camps, guided hikes, and workshops. These programs focus on topics such as ecology, wildlife, history, and the unique features of the prairie ecosystem.

- Visitors Center: The center has a visitors center where visitors can learn more about the Great Plains and the wildlife that inhabits the region. It often features interactive exhibits, educational displays, and informative materials.

- Nature Trails: There are several nature trails and interpretive signs throughout the preserve, allowing visitors to explore the native prairie habitat, observe wildlife, and learn about the plants and animals that call the area home.

- Cultural Heritage: In addition to its focus on natural history, the Plains Conservation Center also highlights the cultural heritage of the Great Plains, including the history of Native American tribes and early European settlers in the region.

- Wildlife Viewing: The preserve is home to a variety of wildlife, including pronghorn antelope, mule deer, coyotes, birds, and small mammals. It's a popular spot for wildlife enthusiasts and birdwatchers.

- Events: The center hosts special events throughout the year, such as guided hikes, birding walks, and family-friendly activities that connect visitors with the prairie environment.

- Conservation Efforts: The Plains Conservation Center is actively involved in land conservation and restoration efforts to preserve the natural landscape and protect native species.

- Photography: The open prairie landscape offers opportunities for photographers to capture the beauty of the Great Plains, from sweeping vistas to close-up shots of prairie flora and fauna.

The Plains Conservation Center is a valuable resource for both education and conservation, offering visitors the chance to explore and appreciate the unique natural and cultural history of the Great Plains. It's a great place for individuals, families, and school groups to connect with nature and gain a deeper understanding of this important ecosystem.
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Aurora is a city located in the Denver metropolitan area in the state of Colorado, USA. It is one of the largest and most populous cities in the state. It is known for its proximity to Denver International Airport (DIA), one of the busiest airports in the United States. The city's population was 379,289 in 2019.

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  Plains Conservation Center