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Ocala Ocala

Last Updated: 01/09/2024

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Ocala is a city located in Marion County, in north-central Florida and is known for its scenic landscapes, including horse farms and the Ocala National Forest. Ocala is the principal city of the Ocala metropolitan area, which had a population of 375,908 in 2020.
Horse Capital of the World: Ocala is often referred to as the "Horse Capital of the World" due to its significant involvement in the breeding and training of horses, particularly Thoroughbreds. The city is home to numerous horse farms and equestrian facilities.

Economy: While the equine industry is a major part of the economy, Ocala's economy is diverse, including healthcare, manufacturing, and tourism. The city has seen growth in various sectors over the years.

Silver Springs State Park: Ocala is home to Silver Springs State Park, known for its glass-bottom boat tours and natural beauty. The park features crystal-clear springs, wildlife, and lush vegetation.

Historic Downtown Ocala: The city has a historic downtown area with charming streets, shops, and restaurants. The downtown district is known for its historic architecture and cultural events.

Education: Ocala has educational institutions, including public schools, and may have additional options for higher education and vocational training.

Outdoor Recreation: Apart from the horse-related activities, Ocala offers various outdoor recreational opportunities. The Ocala National Forest, one of the oldest national forests in the United States, is nearby and provides opportunities for hiking, camping, and other outdoor activities.

Community Events: Ocala hosts various community events, festivals, and cultural activities throughout the year, contributing to the city's vibrant atmosphere.

Healthcare: The city has healthcare facilities and services to cater to the needs of the community.
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