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Nohkalikai Falls Nohkalikai Falls
Cherrapunji, Meghalaya, India

Last Updated: 06/09/2023

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Nohkalikai Falls is a spectacular waterfall located in the state of Meghalaya, India. It is one of the tallest waterfalls in India and is a popular tourist destination in the region. Its height is 1115 feet (340 metres).
The name "Nohkalikai" translates to "Jump of Ka Likai" in the local Khasi language. According to a local legend, the waterfall derives its name from a tragic incident involving a woman named Likai. It is said that after facing a personal tragedy, Likai jumped from the cliffs near the waterfall, giving the falls its poignant name.

Nohkalikai Falls is located near the village of Cherrapunjee (also known as Sohra), which is renowned for being one of the wettest places on Earth. The falls are situated amidst lush greenery and dense forests, adding to the natural beauty of the surroundings.

The waterfall plunges from a height of approximately 340 meters (1,115 feet) into a plunge pool, creating a mesmerizing sight. During the monsoon season, the volume of water increases significantly, making it a magnificent cascade. The water then flows down the rocky terrain, forming a stream that continues its journey through the valleys of Meghalaya.

Visitors can witness the breathtaking view of Nohkalikai Falls from designated viewpoints. The vibrant blue-green color of the water and the mist created by the cascading water make it a picturesque sight to behold. Photographers and nature enthusiasts are particularly drawn to this natural wonder.

Exploring Nohkalikai Falls often involves trekking through the picturesque landscapes of Meghalaya. The region is known for its unique living root bridges, caves, and abundant flora and fauna. Visitors can immerse themselves in the natural beauty of the area, experience the local culture and cuisine, and enjoy the tranquil atmosphere that surrounds the falls.
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Nohkalikai Falls

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  Nohkalikai Falls