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Nha Cong Tu Bac Lieu Nha Cong Tu Bac Lieu
13 Dien Bien Phu, Phuong 3, Bac Lieu, Vietnam

Last Updated: 09/11/2023

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Nha  Cong tu­ Bac Lieu, or the Bac Lieu Mansion, is a historic and iconic building located in Bac Lieu, Vietnam. It is known for its architectural beauty and cultural significance. The mansion was built during the early 20th century and belonged to the affluent Ho family, who were prominent landlords and businessmen in the region.
The Bac Lieu Mansion is ablend of French and Vietnamese architectural styles, showcasing amix of colonial and traditional Vietnamese design elements. It is atwo-story building with adistinctive yellow facade and features intricate woodwork, ornate decorations, and spacious verandas. The mansion is surrounded by well-maintained gardens, adding to its charm.

Visitors to the Bac Lieu Mansion can explore its various rooms, which have been preserved to reflect the lifestyle and opulence of the Ho family. The mansion also serves as amuseum, showcasing artifacts, photographs, and exhibits that provide insights into the history and culture of the region.

Additionally, the mansion is associated with the legendary figure of Cong tu­ Bac Lieu, awealthy and flamboyant playboy from the Ho family. Cong tu­ Bac Lieu became asymbol of extravagance and a popular character in folklore and stories of the region.

The Bac Lieu Mansion has become a significant tourist attraction, drawing visitors who are interested in history, architecture, and the cultural heritage of the area. It offers a glimpse into the affluent lifestyle of the past and is atestament to the rich heritage of Bac Lieu.
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  Vietnam » Bac Lieu

  Place » Historical Place


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Bac Lieu
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Bac Lieu is a province located in the Mekong Deltaregion of southern Vietnam. It is situated on the southern coast of the country and borders the Gulf of Thailand. The province's capital city, also named Bac Lieu, is avibrant and bustling city known for its rich cultural heritage, historical landmarks, and natural beauty. It had apopulation of 240,045 in 2016.

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Place » Historical Place

Thap co Vinh Hung or Vinh Hung Ancient Tower was discovered in 1911 and at that time, it was listed as one of the historical sites in southern Vietnam. The tower is also known as Luc Hien or Bhah Dhat tower. The tower is 8.9 meter-high.

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Vinh Hung A, Vinh Loi, Bac Lieu, Vietnam

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Tom Lee    Sep 11, 2023
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  Nha Cong Tu Bac Lieu