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Trang Trinh Nguyen Binh Khiem Trang Trinh Nguyen Binh Khiem
Trung Am, Vinh Bao, Hai Phong, Vietnam

Last Updated: 05/20/2023

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Dun thu Trang Trinh Nguyen Binh Khiem (also known as Trang Trinh Temple) is a temple located in Trung Am village, Vinh Bao district, Hai Phong, Vietnam. It is dedicated to the famous Vietnamese scholar and poet Nguyen Binh Khiem. It is approximately 30 kilometers northeast of Hai Phong city. The temple is surrounded by picturesque countryside landscapes.
Here's some information about the temple:

Nguyen Binh Khiem: The temple is dedicated to Nguyen Binh Khiem, a prominent Vietnamese scholar, poet, and government official during the 16th century. Nguyen Binh Khiem is widely regarded as one of the most influential figures in Vietnamese literature and is known for his moral teachings and patriotic poetry.

Architecture: The temple features traditional Vietnamese architectural elements. It consists of multiple buildings, including the main hall, ancestral halls, and pavilions. The structures are adorned with intricate carvings and decorations, reflecting the artistic and cultural heritage of Vietnam.

Cultural Significance: Trang Trinh Temple holds great cultural and historical significance in the region. It serves as a place for worship, cultural activities, and commemorations related to Nguyen Binh Khiem. Visitors can learn about his life and contributions to Vietnamese literature and pay their respects to this esteemed figure.

Festivals: The temple is avenue for annual festivals and ceremonies dedicated to Nguyen Binh Khiem. These festivals typically take place during his birth anniversary or other significant dates, attracting visitors from both near and far. The festivities often include traditional rituals, performances, and cultural displays.

Peaceful Setting: The temple is set amidst a tranquil and serene environment, surrounded by lush greenery and natural landscapes. It offers visitors a peaceful retreat where they can appreciate the beauty of nature and immerse themselves in Vietnamese culture and history.

Visiting Trang Trinh Temple provides an opportunity to explore the life and legacy of Nguyen Binh Khiem, as well as experience the traditional architecture and spiritual atmosphere of a Vietnamese temple. The serene surroundings and cultural significance of the temple make it ameaningful destination for both locals and tourists interested in Vietnamese history and culture.
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Nguyen Binh Khiem Historic Site

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  Vietnam » Hai Phong

  Place » Historical Place


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Hai Phong
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Hai Phong is the third-largest city in Vietnam. An industrial city, Haiphong is located at the mouth of the Ca¥m River in northern Vietnam and had apopulation of 2,358,741 in 2021. Haiphong is the center of technology, economy, culture, medicine, education, science and trade in the Red River Delta.

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  Trang Trinh Nguyen Binh Khiem