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Middleton Place Middleton Place
4300 Ashley River Rd, Charleston, SC 29414
☎ (843) 556-6020

Last Updated: 10/09/2023

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Middleton Place is a historic plantation and garden located in Charleston, South Carolina. It is renowned for its stunning gardens, historic house museum, and its significance in American history. The plantation includes a beautiful chapel with stained glass windows and a serene setting, often used for weddings and events.
- History: Middleton Place has a rich history dating back to the 18th century. It was founded in 1741 by Henry Middleton, a prominent planter, and statesman. The plantation was initially known for its rice cultivation and later became a center for experimental farming and horticultural innovations.

- Gardens: Middleton Place is celebrated for its magnificent gardens, which are considered among the oldest landscaped gardens in America. The gardens were designed in the 18th century and feature terraced lawns, reflecting pools, camellia collections, azaleas, and centuries-old oak trees. The gardens are designed in the formal style influenced by European garden design.

- House Museum: The plantation's historic house, known as the Middleton Place House Museum, offers guided tours that provide insight into the life and culture of the plantation's owners and enslaved residents. The house is furnished with period-appropriate items and artwork.

- Stableyards: The Stableyards at Middleton Place showcase demonstrations of 18th-century crafts and trades, such as blacksmithing, pottery making, and weaving. Visitors can observe artisans at work and learn about the skills that were essential to plantation life.

- Butterfly Lakes: The plantation's Butterfly Lakes are home to numerous species of birds and aquatic life, making it a tranquil spot for birdwatching and wildlife observation.

- Educational Programs: Middleton Place offers educational programs, workshops, and events that explore the history, horticulture, and culture of the plantation. These programs provide a deeper understanding of the plantation's significance in American history.

- Dining and Shopping: The Middleton Place Restaurant offers Lowcountry cuisine made from locally sourced ingredients, and the Plantation Stableyard Shops offer a variety of unique gifts and artisanal products.

- Events: Throughout the year, Middleton Place hosts special events and festivals, including garden tours, reenactments, and holiday celebrations.

- Accessibility: Middleton Place is located just a short drive from downtown Charleston, making it a convenient destination for visitors interested in history, horticulture, and culture.

Middleton Place is not only a historic site but also a living testament to the cultural and horticultural heritage of the American South. It offers visitors the opportunity to explore its gardens, learn about its history, and appreciate the beauty of its natural surroundings.

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  South Carolina » Charleston

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Charleston, South Carolina, is a historic and culturally rich city located on the southeastern coast of the United States. Known for its charming historic district, antebellum architecture, vibrant arts scene, and coastal beauty, Charleston is a popular destination for tourists and a beloved city for residents. Charleston had an estimated population of 137,566 in 2019.

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  Middleton Place