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Lincoln Monument Association Lincoln Monument Association
1500 Monument Ave, Springfield, IL 62702
☎ (217) 782-2717

Last Updated: 07/10/2023

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The Lincoln Monument Association is an organization based in Springfield, Illinois, dedicated to the preservation and maintenance of the Lincoln Tomb State Historic Site. It is located in Oak Ridge Cemetery in Springfield. Lincoln Tomb is the final resting place of the 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, his wife, Mary Todd Lincoln, and three of their four sons.
Here are some key details about the Lincoln Monument Association:

- Purpose: The Lincoln Monument Association was established with the primary goal of overseeing the care, preservation, and public access to the Lincoln Tomb. The association works in collaboration with the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency - now the Illinois Department of Natural Resources - to ensure the integrity and upkeep of this significant historical site.

- Lincoln Tomb State Historic Site: The Lincoln Tomb is the final resting place of Abraham Lincoln, his wife Mary Todd Lincoln, and some of their children. It is a place of reverence and remembrance for visitors and serves as a symbol of Lincoln's enduring legacy. The Lincoln Monument Association plays a crucial role in maintaining and protecting this important memorial.

- Maintenance and Restoration: The association is responsible for the ongoing maintenance and restoration efforts of the Lincoln Tomb and its surroundings. This includes preserving the physical structure, repairing any damages, and ensuring that the site remains accessible to the public.

- Fundraising: The Lincoln Monument Association engages in fundraising activities to support the preservation and maintenance of the Lincoln Tomb. It seeks contributions from individuals, organizations, and businesses to support its efforts in preserving this historical landmark.

- Educational Outreach: The association is involved in educational outreach programs and initiatives. It aims to promote awareness and understanding of Abraham Lincoln's life, legacy, and the historical significance of the Lincoln Tomb. This includes providing educational materials, organizing events, and supporting educational programs related to Lincoln and his era.

- Public Access and Visitor Experience: The Lincoln Monument Association works to enhance the visitor experience at the Lincoln Tomb. It ensures that the site is accessible to the public, maintains visitor facilities, and provides interpretive signage and displays to educate visitors about the significance of the monument.

- Collaboration and Partnerships: The association collaborates with other organizations, including government agencies, historical societies, and community groups, to fulfill its mission. These partnerships help support the preservation efforts and expand the reach of educational programs related to Abraham Lincoln.

- Volunteer Opportunities: The Lincoln Monument Association may offer volunteer opportunities for individuals interested in contributing their time and skills to support the preservation of the Lincoln Tomb and related activities. Volunteers may assist with guiding tours, maintaining the grounds, or participating in special events.

- Advocacy: The association serves as an advocate for the preservation and recognition of the Lincoln Tomb. It may engage in advocacy efforts to raise awareness of the importance of preserving this historical site and its connection to Abraham Lincoln.

- Legacy of Abraham Lincoln: The Lincoln Monument Association plays a crucial role in preserving the legacy of Abraham Lincoln in Springfield, Illinois. By caring for the Lincoln Tomb and promoting educational initiatives, the association ensures that future generations can learn about and appreciate the contributions of one of America's most revered presidents.

The Lincoln Monument Association in Springfield, Illinois, is dedicated to the preservation, maintenance, and educational promotion of the Lincoln Tomb State Historic Site. Through its efforts, the association helps safeguard the legacy of Abraham Lincoln and his significance in American history.
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Springfield is the capital city of the state of Illinois in the United States. It serves as the capital of Illinois and is the political hub of the state. The Illinois State Capitol Building, located in downtown Springfield, is where the legislative and executive branches of the state government operate. Springfield’s 2019 population was 114,230.

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  Lincoln Monument Association