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Laguna West-Lakeside Laguna West-Lakeside
Elk Grove, California

Last Updated: 10/21/2023

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Laguna West-Lakeside is situated in Elk Grove, a city located just south of Sacramento in Sacramento County, California. It is a residential community known for its suburban atmosphere. The population of Laguna West-Lakeside was 8,414 at the 2000 census.
Residential Area: Laguna West-Lakeside is primarily a residential neighborhood with a mix of single-family homes and townhouses. The community features well-maintained streets, sidewalks, and landscaped areas, providing a pleasant environment for residents.

Parks and Recreation: The neighborhood offers several parks and recreational areas for residents to enjoy outdoor activities. Some popular parks in the vicinity include Morse Park, Stone Lake Wildlife Refuge, and Elk Grove Park, which provide opportunities for picnicking, sports, walking trails, and nature observation.

Schools and Education: Laguna West-Lakeside is served by the Elk Grove Unified School District, which provides a range of educational options for students in the area. There are several public and private schools nearby, offering quality education from elementary to high school levels.

Shopping and Amenities: Residents of Laguna West-Lakeside have convenient access to shopping centers, grocery stores, restaurants, and other amenities within close proximity. Laguna West Village Shopping Center is a local hub for shopping and dining needs.

Commute to Sacramento: Laguna West-Lakeside offers a relatively easy commute to downtown Sacramento. It is well-connected to major transportation routes, including Interstate 5, which allows for convenient access to Sacramento and other parts of the region.

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  Sacramento County » Elk Grove

  Place » Tourism


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Elk Grove
Place » City

Elk Grove is a city located in Sacramento County, California, United States. It is located just south of the state capital, Sacramento. According to the United States Census Bureau, Elk Grove has a population of approximately 174,775 people as of the 2020 census, making it the second-largest city in Sacramento County after Sacramento itself.

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  Laguna West-Lakeside