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Intramuros Intramuros
Manila, Philippines

Last Updated: 04/11/2024

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Intramuros is a historic walled area within the city of Manila, Philippines. It was constructed during the Spanish colonial period in the late 16th century and served as the seat of government and center of religious, political, and economic power for over 300 years. The name Intramuros is Spanish for within the walls, referring to the fortified walls that surround the district.
Within the walls of Intramuros, you'll find well-preserved Spanish colonial architecture, including churches, plazas, and buildings that reflect the Philippines' colonial history. Some notable landmarks within Intramuros include Fort Santiago, a citadel that once served as a military defense fortress and is now a historical site and park, and Manila Cathedral, a grand church that has been rebuilt several times due to damage from earthquakes and wars.

Intramuros is a popular tourist destination in Manila, offering visitors a glimpse into the country's colonial past through its cobblestone streets, historic buildings, and cultural attractions. It's also a center for education and heritage preservation, with institutions like the Intramuros Administration working to conserve and promote the district's cultural heritage.
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  Philippines » Manila

  Place » Tourism


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Manila, Philippines
Place » City

Manila is the capital city of the Philippines, located on the eastern coast of Luzon Island. With a population of over 1.7 million people, Manila is one of the most densely populated cities in the world.

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