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Gravensteen Castle Gravensteen Castle
Sint-Veerleplein 11, 9000 Gent, Belgium
☎ +32 9 225 93 06

Last Updated: 12/22/2023

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Gravensteen, also known as the Castle of the Counts, is a medieval fortress located in the heart of Ghent, Belgium. It was built in 1180 by Count Philip of Alsace. The castle served as the residence of the Counts of Flanders until the 14th century, after which it underwent various transformations and uses.
- Architecture: The castle is a massive stone fortress with a rectangular layout, surrounded by a water-filled moat. It features high walls, towers, and a central keep. The architecture is representative of medieval military structures, designed for defense and administration.

- Defensive Features: Gravensteen was constructed with formidable defensive features, including battlements, arrow slits, and a drawbridge. The castle's strategic location in the center of the city and its imposing structure made it a symbol of the Count's power and authority.

- Purpose: Initially, Gravensteen served as a symbol of the Count's authority and as a residence. Over the years, it underwent various uses, including serving as a courthouse, a prison, and even a cotton factory in the 19th century.

- Restoration: In the 19th century, Gravensteen faced the threat of demolition, but it was saved and later underwent significant restoration in the 20th century. The restoration aimed to preserve the historical integrity of the castle.

- Museum: Today, Gravensteen Castle is open to the public, and it houses the Castle of the Counts Museum. The museum provides insights into the medieval history of the region and features displays on torture instruments, armor, and daily life during the Middle Ages.

- Views of Ghent: Visitors to Gravensteen can enjoy panoramic views of the city of Ghent from the castle towers. The location in the heart of the city makes it easily accessible for tourists exploring Ghent.

- Events: Gravensteen is also used for various cultural events and activities. The castle's atmospheric surroundings make it a unique venue for concerts, theater performances, and historical reenactments.

Gravensteen Castle stands as a prominent historical landmark in Ghent, reflecting the medieval history of Flanders and the changing roles of castles over the centuries. Its well-preserved architecture and cultural significance make it a popular destination for tourists interested in history and architecture.
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Belgium is a country in Western Europe. The country is bordered by the Netherlands to the north, Germany to the east, Luxembourg to the southeast, France to the southwest, and the North Sea to the northwest. It covers an area of 30,689 km2 (11,849 sq mi) and has a population of more than 11.5 million.

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  Gravensteen Castle