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Funafuti Funafuti

Last Updated: 03/22/2023

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Funafuti is the capital and largest atoll of Tuvalu, a small island nation located in the South Pacific Ocean. The atoll has a population of around 6,000 people and is home to the government and administration of Tuvalu. Funafuti is also the main commercial and transportation hub of the country, with an international airport, a port, and a wharf.
Funafuti consists of a narrow ring of land, enclosing a large lagoon, and is made up of 30 islets. The atoll is only about 2.5 square miles (6.5 square kilometers) in area, with a maximum elevation of just 16 feet (5 meters) above sea level. Despite its small size, Funafuti has a rich culture and history, with traditional practices and customs still practiced by its inhabitants.

Tourism is an important industry in Funafuti, with visitors attracted to the island's beautiful beaches, coral reefs, and natural beauty. The atoll also has a number of historic sites, including the largest church in Tuvalu, the Parliament building, and the remains of World War II military installations.
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  Tuvalu » Funafuti

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Place » Tourism

Funafala is a small islet located in the Funafuti atoll of Tuvalu, a small island nation in the Pacific Ocean. Funafuti is the capital of Tuvalu and the atoll where it is located is made up of many islets, including Funafala.

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Funafuti, Tuvalu

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