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Frogner Park Frogner Park
Kirkeveien, 0268 Oslo, Norway
☎ +47 23 48 20 30

Last Updated: 09/29/2023

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Frogner Park, also known as Vigeland Park, is a famous public park located in the borough of Frogner in Oslo, Norway. The park is historically part of Frogner Manor, and the manor house is located in the south of the park, and houses Oslo Museum. Frogner Park is a must-visit attraction in Oslo, offering a harmonious blend of art, nature, and leisure.
- Sculpture Park: Frogner Park is primarily known for its impressive collection of sculptures created by renowned Norwegian sculptor Gustav Vigeland. The park is the largest sculpture park in the world created by a single artist and features over 200 sculptures made from bronze, granite, and wrought iron.

- Vigeland Sculpture Installation: The centerpiece of Frogner Park is the Vigeland Sculpture Installation, which comprises several distinct areas. The most iconic feature is the Monolith, a towering granite sculpture carved from a single block of stone. Other notable sculptures include the Wheel of Life, the Fountain, and the Bridge.

- Gustav Vigeland Museum: Adjacent to Frogner Park is the Gustav Vigeland Museum, which showcases the life and work of the artist. The museum exhibits various sculptures, drawings, and models that provide insights into Vigeland's artistic process.

- Landscaped Gardens: In addition to the sculptures, Frogner Park boasts beautifully landscaped gardens with tree-lined avenues, manicured lawns, flowerbeds, and walking paths. The park is an inviting space for leisurely strolls, picnics, and outdoor activities.

- All-Season Attraction: Frogner Park is a popular destination for both locals and tourists throughout the year. In the warmer months, visitors can enjoy the lush greenery and vibrant flowers. In winter, the park transforms into a snowy wonderland, offering a unique perspective and opportunities for winter sports.

- Open-Air Venue: Frogner Park often serves as a venue for various cultural and recreational events, including concerts, festivals, and outdoor performances. It provides a picturesque setting for gatherings and entertainment.

- Free Admission: Entry to Frogner Park is free, allowing visitors to explore the park and enjoy the sculptures at their own pace. The park is open to the public year-round and is easily accessible from central Oslo.
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  Norway » Oslo

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Oslo, Norway
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Oslo is the capital and largest city of Norway. Oslo offers a blend of natural beauty, cultural attractions, and a high quality of life. The municipality of Oslo had a population of 709,037 in 2022, while the city's greater urban area had a population of 1,064,235 in 2022, and the metropolitan area had an estimated population of 1,546,706 in 2021.

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  Frogner Park