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Foshan Foshan

Last Updated: 01/03/2024

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Foshan is a city located in Guangdong Province, southern China. It is one of the core cities in the Pearl River Delta, a major economic and manufacturing hub. The entire prefecture covers 3,848 km2 (1,486 sq mi) and had a population of 9,498,863 as of the 2020 census.
Economy: Foshan is known for its strong economy, particularly in manufacturing and industry. It has a well-developed manufacturing sector, producing a wide range of goods, including ceramics, furniture, textiles, and electronics.

Cultural Heritage: Foshan has a rich cultural heritage, with a history dating back over 5,000 years. The city is known for its traditional Cantonese opera, martial arts, and various traditional arts and crafts.

Tourist Attractions: Foshan has several tourist attractions, including the Foshan Ancestral Temple (also known as Foshan Zumiao), a historic temple dedicated to Confucius and the martial arts. The Nanfeng Kiln is another notable site, showcasing traditional Chinese ceramic art.

Manufacturing Hub: Foshan is a major center for the production of ceramics and furniture. The city's Nanhai District, in particular, is known for its furniture manufacturing industry.

Location: Foshan is strategically located near Guangzhou, the capital of Guangdong Province, and is part of the larger Guangzhou-Foshan Metropolitan Area. The proximity to Guangzhou provides Foshan with access to international transportation networks.
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