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Ethan Allen Tower Ethan Allen Tower
1006 North Ave, Burlington, VT 05408
☎ (802) 864-0123

Last Updated: 07/31/2023

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The Ethan Allen Tower, also known as the Ethan Allen Park Tower, is a historic landmark located within Ethan Allen Park, which is located in the north end of Burlington, Vermont. The park offers scenic views of Lake Champlain and the surrounding area. Ethan Allen Tower was officially erected to celebrate one of Vermont’s most recognized personalities.
Tower Construction: The tower was built in 1905 as a tribute to Ethan Allen, the same Revolutionary War figure associated with the Ethan Allen Homestead mentioned earlier. The tower was constructed of stone and stands at a height of approximately 42 feet (13 meters).

Purpose: The primary purpose of the tower is to provide visitors with panoramic views of Burlington, Lake Champlain, and the Adirondack Mountains in New York State. It offers a stunning vantage point and is a popular spot for sightseeing and photography.

Hiking Trails: Ethan Allen Park offers several hiking trails that lead to the tower. Visitors can hike through the wooded areas of the park to reach the tower's summit and enjoy the picturesque views from the top.

Accessibility: The tower is open to the public, and visitors can climb to the top to take in the scenic views. However, please note that the tower may be subject to seasonal closures or limited accessibility, so it's a good idea to check with local authorities or the park's website for the latest information on visiting.

Park Amenities: In addition to the tower, Ethan Allen Park features picnic areas, walking paths, and green spaces, making it a pleasant destination for outdoor recreation and relaxation.

The Ethan Allen Tower offers a unique opportunity for visitors to enjoy panoramic views of the Burlington area and appreciate the natural beauty of Vermont.
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Ethan Allen Tower

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  Vermont » Burlington

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Burlington is a vibrant city located in the state of Vermont, in the northeastern region of the United States. The city is situated on the eastern shore of Lake Champlain, Vermont's largest lake. It is the most populous city in the state and serves as the county seat of Chittenden County. Burlington had an estimated population of around 42,000 residents in 2021.

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  Ethan Allen Tower