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Dongguan Dongguan

Last Updated: 01/05/2024

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Dongguan is a city located in the southern part of Guangdong Province, China. It is situated in the Pearl River Delta region, which is one of the most economically dynamic areas in the country. Dongguan is positioned between Guangzhou and Shenzhen, two major cities in Guangdong Province. It is part of the Pearl River Delta Economic Zone. Its population was 10,466,625 in 2020.
Economy: Historically, Dongguan has been known for its manufacturing and industrial activities. It has been a major center for the production of electronics, textiles, and other consumer goods. The city has played a significant role in the rapid economic development of the Pearl River Delta.

Manufacturing Hub: Dongguan has been a key player in China's manufacturing sector, particularly in the production of electronics, toys, textiles, and footwear. It has been dubbed the "factory of the world" due to its large number of factories and manufacturing facilities.

Development and Transformation: In recent years, Dongguan has undergone economic transformation and development. The city has shifted its focus from traditional manufacturing to high-tech industries, innovation, and service sectors. Efforts have been made to upgrade the industrial structure and promote sustainable development.

Culture and Tourism: Dongguan also has cultural and historical attractions. The city has parks, temples, and traditional architecture that reflect its rich history. Tourism has become an increasingly important aspect of Dongguan's economy, with efforts to promote cultural tourism.

Transportation: Dongguan is well-connected by transportation networks. It has convenient access to major highways, railways, and is in close proximity to airports in Guangzhou and Shenzhen. This accessibility has contributed to its role as an important logistics and transportation hub.
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