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Del Rey Oaks Del Rey Oaks

Last Updated: 08/18/2023

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Del Rey Oaks is a small city located in Monterey County, California. It is situated on the central coast of California, near the city of Monterey and the Monterey Bay, at an elevation of 82 feet (25 m). The population was 1,592 at the 2020 census.
Community: Despite its relatively small size, Del Rey Oaks is a residential community with a mix of single-family homes and apartment complexes. It's known for its quiet neighborhoods and suburban atmosphere.

Monterey Peninsula: Del Rey Oaks is part of the broader Monterey Peninsula region, which includes cities like Monterey, Pacific Grove, and Carmel. This area is popular for its scenic beauty, coastline, and tourist attractions.

Accessibility: The city is conveniently located near major highways, including California State Route 1 (Pacific Coast Highway) and California State Route 68, making it accessible to nearby cities and attractions.

Outdoor Activities: The Monterey Peninsula offers numerous outdoor activities, including access to the coastline, beaches, and recreational areas. The region is also known for its golf courses and natural beauty.

Parks: Del Rey Oaks has several parks where residents and visitors can enjoy outdoor activities, picnicking, and relaxation.

History: Like many places on the Monterey Peninsula, Del Rey Oaks has a history rooted in California's early ranching and agricultural activities.

Local Services: While Del Rey Oaks is primarily a residential area, it benefits from its proximity to neighboring cities like Monterey, which offer a range of services, entertainment, and attractions.

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  Monterey County » Del Rey Oaks

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Frog Pond Wetland Preserve
Place » Outdoors

In an increasingly urban world, open space such as the Frog Pond Wetland Preserve provides a refuge for resident and migratory wildlife as well as humans. Maintaining and enhancing the Frog Pond’s wildlife habitat value are a high priority to the District.

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Canyon Del Rey Blvd, Del Rey Oaks, CA 93940

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  Del Rey Oaks