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Corregidor Island Corregidor Island
Corregidor, Philippines

Last Updated: 07/17/2023

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Corregidor Island is a small rocky island located at the entrance of Manila Bay in the Philippines. It is known for its significant role in Philippine history as a military fortress during World War II.
During the war, Corregidor Island was the site of intense fighting between Filipino and American forces against the invading Japanese Army. Despite being heavily bombed and shelled by the Japanese, the defenders held out for several months until they were finally overwhelmed.

Today, Corregidor Island is a popular tourist destination, attracting visitors who are interested in the island's history and natural beauty. There are several landmarks and attractions on the island, including the Pacific War Memorial, the Malinta Tunnel, and the Spanish Lighthouse. Visitors can also enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, and birdwatching.

Access to the island is by ferry from Manila or nearby Cavite, and guided tours are available to explore the island's historical sites.
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Corregidor Island

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