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Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Last Updated: 08/26/2023

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CNN, or Cable News Network, is a prominent American news-based television channel and multimedia news organization. It is known for its global coverage of news, events, and current affairs. CNN's commitment to providing comprehensive news coverage and its dedication to keeping the public informed have solidified its position as a significant news organization both in the United States and around the world.
- Founding: CNN was founded in 1980 by media mogul Ted Turner. It was the first television channel to provide 24-hour news coverage, breaking away from the traditional format of scheduled news programs.

- Global Reach: CNN has a worldwide presence and is broadcast to a global audience. It has numerous international bureaus and correspondents, allowing it to cover news from various regions.

- Television Network: CNN's television network covers a wide range of news topics, including politics, international affairs, business, technology, health, culture, and more. The network features news programs, talk shows, and documentaries.

- Digital Presence: In addition to its television network, CNN has a strong digital presence. Its website, CNN.com, provides news articles, videos, photo galleries, and interactive content.

- Breaking News: CNN is often associated with breaking news coverage. Its reporters and correspondents work to deliver real-time updates on significant events as they unfold.

- International Coverage: CNN's international coverage includes reporting from conflict zones, disaster areas, political events, and cultural happenings around the world.

- Programs: CNN features a variety of news programs, including "CNN Newsroom," "Anderson Cooper 360°," "The Situation Room," "Fareed Zakaria GPS," and "Cuomo Prime Time," among others.

- Perspectives: CNN offers a range of perspectives through its diverse group of journalists, analysts, and commentators. It often hosts discussions and debates on various topics.

- Investigative Journalism: CNN has been recognized for its investigative reporting, including documentaries that delve into complex issues and uncover hidden truths.

- Social Impact: CNN has played a role in shaping public discourse, influencing public opinion, and raising awareness about important issues. It has also launched campaigns to address various societal challenges.

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United States of America
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The United States of America is a federal republic located in North America. It is composed of 50 states, a federal district-Washington, D.C., and several territories. The USA is known for its diverse population, democratic government, economic power, cultural influence, and varied geography. Its population was 333,287,557 in 2022.

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United States of America
Online » TV

CBS, or the Columbia Broadcasting System, is one of the major television networks in the United States. It is known for its diverse programming, including news, entertainment, sports, and more. CBS's long history, diverse programming, and extensive reach have established it as a prominent force in the media landscape.

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New York, New York, United States

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