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Brisbane Brisbane

Last Updated: 03/14/2023

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Brisbane is the capital city of Queensland, a state located in the northeastern part of Australia. It is the third largest city in Australia after Sydney and Melbourne, with a population of approximately 2.5 million people in the metropolitan area.
Brisbane is known for its warm climate, beautiful parks and gardens, and a vibrant cultural scene. Some of the popular tourist attractions in Brisbane include the South Bank Parklands, Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary, Brisbane Botanic Gardens, and the Story Bridge Adventure Climb. The city is also home to several museums and galleries, including the Queensland Museum and the Gallery of Modern Art.

Brisbane has a diverse economy with strengths in industries such as information technology, education, tourism, and mining. The city is also a major transportation hub with an international airport, seaport, and extensive rail and road networks.

Overall, Brisbane is a lively and growing city with a lot to offer both residents and visitors.

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  Australia » Brisbane

  Place » City


VN Moments
Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary
Place » Outdoors

Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary is a popular wildlife sanctuary located in Fig Tree Pocket, a suburb of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. It is one of the oldest and largest koala sanctuaries in the world, dedicated to the conservation and protection of Australia's native wildlife.

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708 Jesmond Rd, Fig Tree Pocket QLD 4069, Australia

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