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Bai Bien Cua Tung Bai Bien Cua Tung
Vinh Linh, Quang Tri, Vietnam

Last Updated: 03/12/2024

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Bai Bien Cu­a Tung, or Cua Tung Beach, is a beautiful beach located in Vinh Linh, the Quang Tri Province of Vietnam. It's part of the larger coastline along the East Sea.
Scenery: The beach is known for its scenic beauty, with white sandy shores, clear blue waters, and a tranquil atmosphere. The natural landscape, combined with the gentle waves, makes it an attractive destination for both locals and tourists.

Peaceful Atmosphere: Cua Tung is often praised for its peaceful and unspoiled environment. Compared to some more crowded beaches in Vietnam, Cua Tung offers a quieter and more serene experience.

Cultural Significance: The area has historical significance, as it was one of the locations where the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) existed during the Vietnam War. Visitors to Cua Tung Beach may also have the opportunity to explore nearby historical sites and learn about the region's wartime history.

Activities: While at Cua Tung Beach, visitors can enjoy a range of activities, including swimming, beachcombing, and simply relaxing by the water. The beach is suitable for those seeking a peaceful retreat and a break from the hustle and bustle of city life.

Accessibility: The beach is accessible by road, and there are various transportation options available to reach Cua Tung from nearby towns and cities. It's advisable to check local transportation options and travel conditions when planning a visit.

Local Cuisine: Surrounding the beach, you may find local seafood restaurants and stalls offering fresh catches from the sea. Trying the local cuisine can be a delightful part of the beach experience.
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Bai Bien Cua Tung

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  Vietnam » Quang Tri

  Place » Outdoors


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Quang Tri
Place » City

Quang Tri is a province in the central region of Vietnam. Its main city is Dong Ha. It is known for its scenic landscapes, historic landmarks, and vibrant culture. Some popular attractions in Quang Tri include the ancient citadel of Quang Tri, the Ben Hai River, and the Vinh Moc Tunnels. It had a population of 701,375 in 2021.

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  Bai Bien Cua Tung