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Alien Fresh Jerky Alien Fresh Jerky
72302 Baker Blvd, Baker, CA 92309
☎ (877) 254-3635

Last Updated: 10/25/2023

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Alien Fresh Jerky is a quirky and unique roadside attraction and store located in Baker, a small town in the Mojave Desert, often frequented by travelers driving between Southern California and Las Vegas, Nevada. The store is known for its extraterrestrial and alien theme. The name, Alien Fresh Jerky, and the store's decor playfully embrace the idea of visitors encountering aliens.
- Jerky Varieties: Alien Fresh Jerky is famous for its wide range of beef and vegan jerky options, which come in various flavors and styles. You'll find traditional beef jerky as well as unusual flavors like "Area 51 Teriyaki" and "Space Cowboy Hot."

- Snacks and Souvenirs: In addition to jerky, the store offers a variety of snacks, candies, and souvenirs with an alien theme. Visitors can purchase alien-themed merchandise, including T-shirts, hats, and novelties.

- Photo Ops: The store often has photo opportunities with alien and UFO-themed decorations, making it a fun stop for tourists.

- Roadside Attraction: Alien Fresh Jerky is considered a classic roadside attraction along the route between Los Angeles and Las Vegas. Many travelers stop here to take a break, buy some snacks, and enjoy the novelty of the store.

- Online Store: In addition to its physical location, Alien Fresh Jerky also has an online store, allowing customers to order their unique jerky flavors and alien-themed merchandise from anywhere.

Alien Fresh Jerky is a lighthearted and unusual destination that adds a touch of fun and whimsy to the desert landscape around Baker. It's a popular place for travelers to take a break, purchase snacks, and enjoy a bit of kitschy Americana.
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Alien Fresh Jerky

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  San Bernardino County » Baker

  Food Drink » Grocery


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Baker is a small town located in San Bernardino County, California, United States. It is situated in the Mojave Desert and is best known as the gateway to Death Valley National Park, which is about 70 miles to the northeast.

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  Alien Fresh Jerky