





  China » Sichuan

  Place » Tourism

Ganzi Prefecture
China » Sichuan
Place » Tourism

Sichuan, China

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Garzê Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, often shortened to Ganzi Prefecture, is located in the Sichuan province of China. It is a predominantly Tibetan region with a rich cultural and historical heritage. The prefecture is known for its stunning natural landscapes, including high mountains, deep valleys, and the headwaters of several major rivers. Its population was 1,091,872 in 2010.

China » Sichuan
Place » Tourism

Sichuan, China

20 views    💖 1
Sêrtar County, also known as Seda County, is a county located in the Garzê Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province, China. It is known for its stunning natural landscapes and significant Tibetan Buddhist influence. The vast majority of the population is Tibetan, followed by Han Chinese. Its population was 64,681 in 2020.